Sunday, June 15, 2008

Father's Day Rememberence

Father's Day is very hard for me, as I am sure it is for many people I know who are missing their Dads. It seems like just yesterday that this picture was taken on Father's Day 1996. Happy Father's Day, Daddy Mark, and thanks for always being there for me since I was three and raising me to be a little like you. I am glad I get to see you later today. Happy Father's Day, Daddy Jim. I miss you every day, but am blessed that I see you everyday in Brady. You would not believe how much Brady is like you in personality. It is amazing how much he looks like you, too. I love you both. :) Love, Andee

1 comment:

Blakely said...

Well now you've done it -- you made Dad and I both cry tonight. We have always been so grateful for YOU, the very best daughter any two dads and a mother could wish for.

Loving you lots,