Sunday, June 29, 2008

River Run

We spent a week in Coeur D' Alene and it was interesting hearing all the flood stories from the neighbors.  We have wonderful neighbors that protected the house while we were oblivious in California.  They called us after it was over.  I guess the record snow fall this year, along with a lot of rain, followed closely by a heat wave that melted the adjacent mountain snow, caused a swelling of the river in our backyard.  It was the first flood since 1996 and hopefully the last for another decade or more.  The first couple days we took down sand bags and did a lot of clean up, but we had a great time the rest of the trip.  Grammy stayed the whole trip and Grandpa Mark came for a few days too, but had to go back to work.  It was a great time had by all.  

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Metamorphosis 2008 Company Conference

This is my boss. Isn't she cute? This was our 2008 company conference on her sail boat. What a fun day on 'Beauti-ful Day.' I love you Kim and Theresa. Meta-morphosis should be one of Forbes top 10 companies to work for. I am certainly blessed to have the job I do and work with two amazing, strong and intelligent women. Can't wait until next year. Next year I promise not to be sick (stupid flu)and... YEAH... I did not throw up . I do have a dorky tan though, thanks to the sea sick bracelets. I am sooo cool. (Theresa just pointed out that Steve is questioning why he let you drive, Kim, in the second pic.)

Sunday, June 15, 2008

Father's Day Rememberence

Father's Day is very hard for me, as I am sure it is for many people I know who are missing their Dads. It seems like just yesterday that this picture was taken on Father's Day 1996. Happy Father's Day, Daddy Mark, and thanks for always being there for me since I was three and raising me to be a little like you. I am glad I get to see you later today. Happy Father's Day, Daddy Jim. I miss you every day, but am blessed that I see you everyday in Brady. You would not believe how much Brady is like you in personality. It is amazing how much he looks like you, too. I love you both. :) Love, Andee

Happy Father's Day!

Happy Father's Day Daddy! Thank you for teaching us sports and being our coach in soccer and softball, riding bikes with us, teaching us to swim, taking us for slurpees, letting us ride in the police car, protecting us from bad guys and for being the best dad in the whole world. We love you the mostest. Love, Sydney and Brady

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Last Day of Kindergarten

Sydney's last day of Kinder-garten was today. I can't believe it. At the last Phoenix Ranch Assembly of the year the Kindergarten class explained that everything they need to know in life they learned this year. It was very cute. We will miss our kindergarten teacher Mrs. Grimes. She was absolutely wonderful. She told me today she is looking forward to having Brady in her class in three years. She also said she will miss having Sydney come over to her almost every day during rotations and whisper in her ear that she was a great teacher.  Now it is time for Vacation Bible Study and Phoenix Ranch Summer Camp...YEAH!

Monday, June 9, 2008


Sydney showed her little brother Disneyland for the first time last month.  We invited Nana and Fufu to come too.  What a fun day.  Sydney can go on every ride now and the faster and scarier the ride... the better.  Her favorite rides are Space Mountain and Indiana Jones.  Brady, on the other hand, does not like any ride that is inside and especially hated Pirates.  We hope he likes them next time.  The Hewitt's love Disneyland!  We love it so much we went back, but to California Adventure a month later with Grammy.  Can't wait to go again.  

Emergency Room

Yes, I was in the emergency room today because Brady thought it would be a good idea to swallow a QUARTER. How does a two year old swallow a quarter? I don't think I could swallow a quarter. SHEESH! Brady was at my Mom's house, and she left the room for a moment. My Mom was beside herself, as she got through raising two kids and a granddaughter without anyone swallowing anything they shouldn't.

I am not a worrier, as most of you know, and so I was not worried, but my Mom wanted me to call our doctor since Brady was whining a little and said his belly hurt. For safety reasons the Doctor suggested we go to the ER to have x rays done, to be sure the quarter had made its way to his stomach. When my Mom told Brady that he was going to the doctor, he immediately informed her that his tummy no longer hurt and that he was fine. She took him anyway.

Brady was a very good boy at the ER and did everything the nurses and doctors asked him to, even though he was a little scared. He is a very brave boy.

So, now I joyously get to look through his diaper each day to see if the quarter comes out. Yoohoo!